Medicare Part B helps pay for doctor visits and outpatient care.
You cannot be denied Part B coverage. You may go to any doctor or qualified health care provider in the United States who participates in the Medicare program and is accepting Medicare patients.
Medicare Part B covers doctor visits and outpatient care, including:
- Physician services, including in the hospital
- An annual wellness visit and preventive services, like flu shots and mammograms
- Lab services, like blood tests
- X-rays and some other diagnostic tests
- Some health programs, like smoking cessation, obesity counseling and cardiac rehab
- Physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech-language pathology services
- Diabetes screenings, diabetes education and certain diabetes supplies
- Mental health care
- Durable medical equipment for use at home, like wheelchairs and walkers
- Ambulatory surgery center services
- Ambulance and emergency room services
Part B costs in 2025
$185.00 per month if any of the following apply to you:
- You enroll for the first time in 2021.
- You have Medicare and Medicaid, and Medicaid pays your premiums.
$240 per year
20% of the Medicare-approved amount for most covered services after you pay the deductible, with no annual out-of-pocket maximum